Matt In The Hat

I've given in. I've started a blog and my first post explains the rationale. For comments on my blog you may contact me directly by email at Cheers, Matt.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Getting Back to the Elements: Uruguay


She offers herself fully, palms-open ever-tranquil,
In persimmons-splattered skies,
Clouds too convincing, sculpted.
In modest tree groves, the grassy hills of abundance,
deep-blue sea endlessly nourishing my eyes,
In lanky horses and demure cows,
Rivers nameless and small,
Soil fertile, gallantly giving,
Persistent breezes cold, cleansing,
Dirt paths ending nowhere, sewn in this, nuanced earth.
Fully, she offers herself,
Palms-open, ever-tranquil

On this my third visit to Uruguay I´m more fully able to comprehend what it is I appreciate, so long for. Far from the bustle of Buenos Aires and further from the panache and pomp of LA spattered against a backdrop of neon, rests a small country that allows me a connection with the land, tierra, the elements at their most basic level. Everyday has included walks by the beach, unparalleled sunsets, and huge log-fires piled high to keep warm at night. Ocean breezes, waves crashing or water still, the sun up and down, fire and flame and smoke. My eyes adhered to endless pastures, my body calmly in union with the earth that rests below my feet.


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